What Is Esther Rising?

While driving down an old country road I saw 3 abandoned silos off in the distance. The Lord whispered, “Sharrah, you are much like these silos; strategically built for a purpose long forgotten.” Truthfully, my life had become so overgrown with rust and weeds that I was living hidden. Living safe. Living empty. With His voice my heart unlocked my buried secret; I knew I was called for more! I was called for Holy Spirit power. Boldness. Revival. I was called to be an activated silo of the Holy Spirit dispensing the glory of God to feed a world dying of spiritual malnourishment. Miracles, prophecy, healing, Deliverance, you and I can live a life poured out to those in need.

Esther is my favorite example of a silo in the Bible. Esther had stored up her faith in God and in His miracle working power keeping this a secret from those in the palace. When her faith was no longer hidden her boldness rescued and delivered her nation from death. Much like Esther, we are in a season where our faith can no longer be quiet. We must cross the line of safety and culture and become a delivering voice in our land.

Silos are now being released to plant every seed of glory stored up so that the world will know the Lord. We invite you to be a silo, to join the Esther army. All of us together will have enough to feed the world!



Most would describe me as a mother, wife, and fierce preacher.

I founded Esther Rising because my heart is to see every woman walk in the freedom of who God has created her to be and see women empowered to release the talents, gifts, and callings God has placed in them.

I am here to help you find your roar and then raise up and help others to do the same.